Beginning her love of Textiles and Design began studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts focusing on Texile-driven installations saw her earning distinctions for her work.
She was drawn to the language and relationship between Costume Design and the Narrative of Film.
The History of her work is diverse and has seen her work alongside,
Most recent: Transfusion, a gritting Australian Feature starring Sam Worthington and Pheobe Tonkin. Large Scale Productions such as Warner Brothers, Ninjargo starring Jackie Chan. The American Science Fiction series Univerals' Childhood’s End, directed by Nick Hurran, starring Charles Dance. The art-house elegance of renowned Sleeping Beauty, which Premiered at the Cannes film festival and was nominated for the Palme D’or, Directed by the award-winning novelist, Julia Leigh, and for which Shareen received one of 3 AACTA Nominations for Best Costume Design.
Shareen also Designed the well-received Miniseries Devil’s Playground Directed by Rachel Ward, starring Toni Collect, and House of Hancock, starring Sam Niel.
Shareen is well known for high-end large-scale Commercial work, collaborating with Directors Globally.
Shareen is currently working with Ed Sheeran on a new campagne to be released shortly